Ma questo Lima lo ha fatto??

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Re: Ma questo Lima lo ha fatto??

Messaggioda martin67 » 25 mar 2020, 14:25

In 1968 Lima started to produce American models in N-scale with big success. Maybe we have to see this as the starting point. One year later, 1969, lima introduced a B&O Caboose and a 40 ft. Container Flat Car in N-scale, using the same pictures as in the H0-Catalogue of the same year. ... 0_N_18.jpg

Due to the success of their N-Trains, Lima for sure tried to launch American H0 and repeat the success. Similarily to N, Lima produced European passenger coaches in American colours and then introduced their regular US-range (freight cars and locomotives). Yet it took until 1971 to see real US models (ALCO steamers) in the catalogues, freight stock from 1973.

http://lima-modeltrain-collectors.xobor ... s-ENG.html

The dark blue B&O caboose was produced, early cabooses (B&O, Seaboard/SCL) had the bay window as a separate piece. from around 1974 the bay window was part of the body casting.


Lima Collector's Site:


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Ma questo Lima lo ha fatto??

Messaggioda Tricx » 26 mar 2020, 13:49


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Iscritto il: 22 set 2011, 20:08
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Re: Ma questo Lima lo ha fatto??

Messaggioda martin67 » 26 mar 2020, 15:26

Hi Riccardo,

thanks so much for your translations! I really apreciate.

The N-scale flat was definately made with "Great Northern" roadname (not POZ FS Italia). ... 566_19.jpg

The model in this picture has no brakewheel (maybe lost), but I found another one with different load and brakewheel. ... 222_19.jpg

I personally like the H0 scale 50 ft. flat car, it looks quite good with containers.


As for catalogue images, Lima sometimes used H0 models in their N-scale programme, or models from other manufacturers for their "Novità" announcements. Other companies did the same.

Cheers and stay safe,

Lima Collector's Site:


Messaggi: 148
Iscritto il: 26 apr 2011, 20:40

Re: Ma questo Lima lo ha fatto??

Messaggioda Tricx » 28 mar 2020, 15:26


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Iscritto il: 22 set 2011, 20:08
Località: L'epicentro del trifase


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