Mi presento / Introduction

Mi presento / Introduction

Messaggioda HEMA trains » 2 gen 2019, 10:45

Hello everyone, first sorry for not reading/writing/speaking Italian. I hope it’s ok to use English on this forum. I am a Dutch collector of HEMA model trains and run my own website “hematreinen [dot] nl” in the Netherlands. As you might know HEMA is a Dutch chain store that sold Lima trains under its own brands Lucky Life and HEMA in between 1962 and 1983.

I have some questions about certain Lima/HEMA models (like do they only exist on paper or are they really build). Hopefully you (this forum) can provide me with some answers.

Thanks to Google Translate I already discovered the “Lima - Tribute” section and the “Ma questo Lima lo ha fatto??” topic.
HEMA trains

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Iscritto il: 1 gen 2019, 17:01

Re: Mi presento / Introduction

Messaggioda Talgo49 » 2 gen 2019, 23:10

Welcome! I think that your knowledge of HEMA models will be appreciated by the Lima fans. The use of English should not be a problem and, as you wrote, Google Translate works fine. So do not hesitate to send your messages or comments to the website.

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Re: Mi presento / Introduction

Messaggioda Oliviero Lidonnici » 3 gen 2019, 1:50

Welcome to this forum also from Oliviero
Oliviero Lidonnici

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Re: Mi presento / Introduction

Messaggioda Tricx » 3 gen 2019, 3:55

Benvenuto anche da parte mia.

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Re: Mi presento / Introduction

Messaggioda Giorgio » 3 gen 2019, 13:39

hello and welcome, your website is very interesting. I put a link from Lima-Tribute!

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