Buono Sera -unfortunately I can not write more than that in the Italian language. I could use German as my mother tongue, but English is more common.
I own a tank loco Baltimore&Ohio economico, released in the late 1940s: L B&O Ec.": Come sopra, ma con inversione a mano -that´s the description in a catalog leaflet: http://www.ekkehard-brunn.homepage.t-on ... oCat10.jpg or view attached picture.
I would like to ask, if somebody ever has seen such a "inversione a mano" -this must be a difficile thing, as the coil is not a double-wound one, where the switch is using the first or the second winding to change the magnetic field and with this the direction of the loco. The coil in this loco economico has only ONE winding, so that the lever for this manual reverse must use the coil this way for one direction, and with the current going backwards through the same coil for the other direction. That is not a switch, but a lever to be pushed:
If You want to change the direction of the loco, You must send the current backwards through the coil. That´s only possible with an manual lever, as Lohmann http://www.ekkehard-brunn.homepage.t-on ... wender.JPG or view attached picture. in Germany has had. You push such a lever, so that in the first position the current is starting from contact 1 through the coil to contact 2, and in the second position starting from contact 2 to a contact 3, which is connected with contact 1, so the current is once GOING to the contact 2 and once STARTING from the contact 2.....
Got it????????????????????????? With my English?
Anyway, I am looking for information about such a manual lever, or a loco with this lever.......
Best regards