Museo Rivarossi

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"E' il link del bellissimo sito dedicato alla storia della vecchia Rivarossi.
Già da tempo in contatto con loro, abbiamo insieme deciso di creare una sezione del forum dedicata al loro sito.
Naturalmente per prima cosa, per chi non l'avesse ancora fatto, vi consiglio di andare a visitare il sito e di studiarlo per bene visto che contiene buona parte della storia del fermodellismo Italiano per poi venire qui e parlarne con noi e con loro!
Vi aspettiamo numerosi!!!
Lo staff di e di"

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Giorgio » 5 mar 2010, 19:19

Hello Howard,
do You have any news from Hornby at Glasgow Model Railway Exhibition ???

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Iscritto il: 16 mar 2009, 13:23

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Nukem001 » 8 mar 2010, 1:20

Dear Giorgio,

I did have a serious discussion with the Hornby Management last Friday at the Glasgow Model Rail Exhibition regarding the Rivarossi Museum collection.

There are + and - issues. The + issues are that the Hornby Margate Visitors Centre is due to be opened at the end of April 2010. My understanding is that there will be a number or Rivarossi models on display along with Lima & Lionel exhibits. So the whole of the Rivarossi collection will not be fully presented at one time. The locomotives and rolling stock will be changed periodically.

I am not sure how this situation will be managed and to be honest I do not think Hornby have thought the situation out themselves! I did try to emphasise the fact that there were a number of serious Rivarossi historians that required to know what had happened to their “Collection” and needed some confidence that Hornby were treating these priceless models with respect. I was assured that Engineer Rossi’s locomotives would be protected from damage and neglect.

I did ask if Engineer Rossi had been approached to undertake the opening ceremony of the Visitors Centre and was advised that unfortunately they understood because of health issues this was not practical. Interestingly, Richard Lines has been approached to officiate for this duty. I note from the recent information on the Rivarossi –Memory web site that Richard Lines had an important part to play in imports or Rivarossi to UK, know doubt my early E626 came by that route. (The engineer Frank Brunner originating in Trieste, was the partner of Alessandro Rossi from 1951 to the mid-1960s. Was a skilled trade and one of the driving forces of growth in the 1950s. In the late 1940s still before entering company had found contacts to get the Rivarossi import toys of Lines Bros to the UK.)

Well, Giorgio that’s all I can report to you, however if you would like to discuss further issues from the Italian prospective please be at liberty to contact Hornby direct Simon Kohler did say that he would be pleased to here from you. There is an old English saying. Strike while the iron is hot!! I think if you contacted this Manager personally, it would give Hornby an understanding of the ill feeling felt by the Italian Model Railway collectors that they have been robbed of their precious collection.

The person you need to speak with is:-

Simon Kohler
Hornby Hobbies Ltd
Kent CT9 4JX UK
tel +44(0)1843233500
Fax +44(0)1843233516
Mobile +44(0)7973212652

Ps I would appreciate a response from my communication on 27/01/2010

Regards Howard

My E626 is still doing well follw my link :-ttp://www.ycom/watch?v=NheeTHBzlHc
Ultima modifica di Nukem001 il 9 mar 2010, 16:04, modificato 2 volte in totale.

Messaggi: 153
Iscritto il: 16 ago 2009, 19:59

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Giorgio » 8 mar 2010, 12:21

Hello Howard!
Very great strike!!!!!!!!!!!!
I 'm not a good english spaking, so it is better if I write an e-mail to Mr. Simon Kohler.
Thank You.

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Messaggi: 2398
Iscritto il: 16 mar 2009, 13:23

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Giorgio » 23 mar 2010, 13:21

Mi ha contattato Daniele di TVS TELEVALLASSINA un'emittente locale di Como, che ha trovato in archivio e postato su Youtube un servizio di 13 anni fa sul Museo Rivarossi!!!!!

SPLENDIDO!! Al + presto lo linko anche dal Sito

Un Grazie a Daniele

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Messaggi: 2398
Iscritto il: 16 mar 2009, 13:23

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda bisoglio » 23 mar 2010, 19:57


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Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Giorgio » 24 mar 2010, 19:09

Su indicazione dell'amico Howard ho contattato Simon Kohler per avere ulteriori informazioni sul museo Hornby.
Questo è quanto mi ha molto cortesemente risposto.

Thank you for your e-mail and I would be most interested in reading your thesis providing it is in English!
At the present moment the Visitor's Centre is still under construction and no specific date has been marked for the opening, however when we have decided it will be published on the Hornby website. Please do not worry about contacting me periodically to enquire over the progress of the Centre and i would be more than happy for you to publish the opening on your website.
Please keep in contact.
Yours most sincerely

Vedrò di tenermi in contatto per info sull'apertura e lo spazio dedicato a Rivarossi.
Ne appofitto per ringraziare pubblicamente Mr. Kohler per la disponibilità e la cortesia.
E grazie anche a Howard per il contatto.

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Messaggi: 2398
Iscritto il: 16 mar 2009, 13:23

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Nukem001 » 24 mar 2010, 21:32


I am pleased that you have contacted at Simon Hornby. You must keep the pressure on though, in a nice sort of way of course. Manegerial These types tend to have a short memory and require to be reminded from time to time.

Best Regards Howard


Mi fa piacere che hanno contattato a Simon Hornby. È necessario mantenere la pressione però, in una sorta di piacevole di via del corso. Manegerial questi tipi tendono ad avere una memoria corta e richiedono di essere ricordato di volta in volta.

Best Regards Howard

Messaggi: 153
Iscritto il: 16 ago 2009, 19:59

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Antonello Lato » 8 apr 2010, 1:44

Dopo una lunga assenza rieccomi nel Forum.

Voglio segnalare agli amici di nuovo il Museo dei RRicordi su dove potrete trovare foto mie e di svariati amici
altre ai nostri ricordi.

Sto organizzando una nuova sezione da cui sara' possibile scaricare la riproduzione dei vecchi edifici
della Serie Gialla e di quelli presentati su H0.

I primi sono gia' scaricabili dalla Homepage.

A presto, Antonello
Antonello Lato

Messaggi: 268
Iscritto il: 21 apr 2009, 11:45
Località: Pescara

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Giorgio » 8 apr 2010, 10:14

Ciao Antonello, bentornato!

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Moderatore Globale
Messaggi: 2398
Iscritto il: 16 mar 2009, 13:23

Re: Museo Rivarossi

Messaggioda Antonello Lato » 8 apr 2010, 15:46

Ho aggiunto una piccola storia del modello per ogni edificio scaricabile.

Antonello Lato

Messaggi: 268
Iscritto il: 21 apr 2009, 11:45
Località: Pescara


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