da Tartaruga » 3 mag 2021, 6:19
There were actually a lot of models for the American market. Charmerz, AHM have offered products from Lima as early as 1973. However, the number of models was limited. From 1974 there was the new brand PMI where almost exclusively Lima products were offered. Here a few new color variants of the existing models were added. During this time, however, models were also offered under the Lima name, e.g. the 40" Flat Car (1976) was offered in two or three versions in a small edition. Towards the end of the 70s, regular US models were still offered by Model Power, but not much of the exotics were in the range. For this Lima itself between 1979/1980 with a distribution partner put up an own catalog for North America which contained a large number of color variants and were also actually produced. There was also a new form variant of a 50" box car. From the middle of the 80's there was a small surprise, a completely revised version of the Aclo C420 from Lima with cardan drive which were distributed in the USA by MRC. A very nice model based on the old C420 body from Lima.
Following are a few links to our forum with posts about US freight cars, there are also exotics from 1976 and 1979/80. In my collection are some more rare variants which are not published yet.
Following are links with information about Lima under other brand names:
Apone60: several of the box cars you listed are not from Lima. Even though there are similar pictures in the catalogs, they were never produced as far as we know today. As soon as you look at the cars from below, you can see very quickly which manufacturer they are from.
50" Box Car AP Rayonier Canada (Life-Like)
40" Box Car Illinois Central (Possibly from Liliput, Roco or Playart Hongkong)
40" Box Car Great Northern (Possibly from Liliput, Roco or Playart Hongkong)
40" Box Car Burlington Northern (Possibly from Liliput, Roco or Playart Hongkong)
40" Box Car Atlantic Coast Line (Possibly from Liliput, Roco or Playart Hongkong)